The Main Window
Battle WIndow - Give the character commands on this window.
Battle View Window - Shows the whole battle map. Inside the white square is shown in the Battle Window.
Information WIndow - Gives you detailed information about masters, Natials and the battle condition.
Help Window - Merlet gives you the explanations about the game.
*To finish each stage you have to reduce the opposed master's HP to 0, or you lose your game when your master's HP was gained to 0.
The operation of this game is very simple. You move your masters and Natials , fight against the enemy and attack the opposed master.
Saving the game
1.Choose Save Game Data from System menu
2.Select empty space or rewrite on other save data
Yellow mark will be shown above your character.
Move the cursor and click on that character. The bright area
are the movable range. |
Move the cursor and select the target area.
Choose your action.
Make sure before choosing the action, change the direction you want your
character to be faced. Once you give your character the command, the direction
can not be changed.
When your master will use the magic, the master will spend MP.
The Natials only have one magic. Natials also use magic by master's MP.
Wait - Wait on the spot
Attack - Attack the enemy
Magic - Use the magic
Summon - For the master only. Choose Natial then select the target area.
4.Character will act according to the command. Turn goes to the next character.
You can play the battle more easily by using Information Window and Sub Command.